Archive: DIY

Aussie Curves: Sparkle


Here we are for another AC week, this week’s theme: Sparkle.
I am not a bling king by any measure. I tend to go for more quirky, kitschy pieces because I am really wary of the borderline where glamorous and tacky kinda overlap. Though, the one sparkly item I could never let go of, my Nonna’s (grandmother’s) vintage earrings.


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Fatshion Roundup: Living out of a Suitcase

IMG_20140527_111305IMG_20140517_222244IMG_20140515_191726IMG_20140417_193426IMG_20140411_002808IMG_20140409_100926IMG_20140313_180701IMG_20140308_120810IMG_20140306_100554 Hey everybody! I know I haven’t been so present recently, what with university and all that stuff. Still I’ve been trying to maintain my instagram with all of my body-welcoming goodness. (username is @cinnah if you haven’t caught up!) Read more

Aussie Curves: Off the Runway + Updates!

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So hey all!
Some of you might have noticed that I’ve been quite absent from both the blogging and AussieCurves circles for a few weeks now! As my professional work / design portfolio / travel blog can inform you (although also lacking updates since my short stay in Scotland), I’m on a super fun but super full on semester abroad scholarship in the fashion capital, Milano.

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