You had plenty money 1922…
Ohhhh yes. Has this been a long time coming! So, I’ve been off the radar for some time now, and I’m making it in here with a sliver of time. Reasons being: Thesis, breakups, breakdowns, the works. But anyway, aside from all that paddycake, here it is and here I am! As Jessica Rabbit, from the classic “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” (sorry I can’t change the dimensions of the video hnng)
It’s not entirely accurate, but I think given the time I could get this absolutely 100%. I feel like I at least nailed the makeup 😉 The dress is CityChic, every time I was around a store I would check the price. Although much more conservative than Jessica’s, I think (for a red dress) it is ultra-flattering.
(and yes, I WILL be refining and perfecting this for cosplay after university graduation for cons and such, because, hell yes).
Hey everybody! I know I haven’t been so present recently, what with university and all that stuff. Still I’ve been trying to maintain my instagram with all of my body-welcoming goodness. (username is @cinnah if you haven’t caught up!) Read more